Knapp's Relationship Model

Knapp's relationships model shows how interpersonal relationships grow and end. It is a ten step process, though process can take different length of time or can be skipped. This link explains each step of the model in more detail.

The relationship I will be analyzing using Knapp's Relationship Model is the relationship with my four best friends from high school. I've know most of them for years but we all became really close because of our sophomore year english class. Since then, we have become a very tight group and they are all very important people to me. 

After high school, we all chose to attend different colleges across the country. For this reason, I believe we are in the differentiating stage of our relationship. When we decided where to continue our education, we had to think individually about where each of us would prosper. Although we pursued interests outside our friendship, we are all still very close and communicate daily through snapchat, FaceTime and other forms of social media.


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